Sunday, 24 July 2011

Squiggling on a Sunday

Round 4 of the Liberated Round Robin has been published.

Yikes!  Curves!

You know me well enough by now to know that I don't "do" appliqué or anything that involves too much hassle. I have an aversion to anything too complicated.

As far as I'm concerned nice and easy fits the bill perfectly.

So I had to think hard and fast about this, to me, challenge.

Then I remembered that sometime ago Marsha at Threadbender wrote an excellent post about making squiggles.

A squiggle is a curve is it not, albeit not exactly a proper curve, but in my book that suffices.

So without further ado I give you my first squiggles.

Well, it's a start.

You can read Marsha's tutorial here. It's so easy a child could do it! Says she confidently. Anyone any idea how I'm going to do 46" long squiggles!

I'm waiting for a part for my Singer 1425. As soon as it hits the letter box I'll start squiggling. I've never felt so ashamed of myself about this particular part, but that's a story for another time

More soon.


Juliann said...

Oh I must go look up that post on squiggles - looks like a fun way to play with scraps.

sophie said...

I love your squiggles.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Must the curves be stitched IN or can they be stitched ON? If ON is okay, visit Collaborative Quilting and look at the borders ... I used the technique in my Flying Monkeys quilt - NOT hard and very effective for adding curves.

Must go check out the squiggle tutorial - looks a bit like it might be along the lines of the curved piecing taught in my Easy Arches class last spring ... If so, use GENTLE curves, not strong ones.