by Bea over at
Capricorn Quilts.
So I have now got to nominate 5 blogs that inspire me from the huge amount I try to read every day (when I can connect (sniff)).
So here goes.
First, mais certainment, is
TONYA. She has opened my eyes to a completely different way of quilting. None of the tricky flying geese for her. Oh no, wonky houses, wonky letters, hearts, stars, firebursts and now I see diamonds!
Second is
VIVI. She has been through such a lot over the last year or so.
Third, and I think possibly this should really be the most important one, is
DAVO. This boy's strength and determination to carry on, regardless, is awe inspiring. Please visit him sometime to make him laugh, take him out of himself and given him a lift - he needs it. BTW he was the recipient of the first quilt.
Fourth is
SIOBHAN. Again her efforts to overcome MS and carry on as normal amaze me.
And fifth, but by no means last, is
MELZIE who needs no introduction to us quilters. She makes me laugh, she makes me cry, she makes me feel sad and the next minute happy. She is one of life's survivors.
So there you have it. 3 of my 5 are quilting blogs, the other 2 aren't.
Who inspires me apart from those 5? Well, there is Finn over at
Pieces from my Scrapbag,
Joyce with her fantastic free piecing and a brilliant imagination,
Sassenach and her amazing articles on quilt history. I could go on and on, but I won't for fear of boring you all.
See you later. I'm borrowing a friends computer who has got ADSL so I'm going to upload loads and loads of eye candy for you which will have to keep you going for the time being until I can get this blasted connection sorted.