Monday, 20 June 2011

Celebrating Batiks

I've been sewing and sewing and sewing.

I'm seeing orange, red, blue and green, not to mention black and white, in my sleep. And it ain't over yet!

This the current size, laid out on a single sheet.

The colours are so vibrant I can't get a good shot.  Also it's so big it won't fit into the lens.  The right hand side is the top.

There is still just under half a sheet to go before I can stop sewing and then the fun really starts with fitting it all together.

I'm not too sure what to use as fillers. I've got some smaller blocks sent to me by a fabric fairy some time ago which could be sliced up to fill the gaps, but I'm also thinking black and white to rest the eye a bit.  I know there is already some b&w in there, but I thought it might break the colours up.  Or perhaps just plain black?  Hmmmmm decisions decisions.

I've got an appointment at the hospital tomorrow and a X-Ray.  I seriously hoping the cast is going to come off.  It's driving me mad!  Keep your fingers crossed.

More soon.


Rosalyn Manesse said...

First of all--good luck with the xray! and I'm getting jealous--I haven't been sewing enough--great fabrics and quilt blocks

woolywoman said...

Likely they will remove the cast for the xray, so at least you'll be able to wash a bit. Here's hoping!

Browndirtcottage said...

CAST??? What CAST??? Ooops I missed out on something!! Hope everything will be ok!!

I'm still loving this quilt. Inspires me to get out my unfinished log cabin blocks!!!

Angie said...

I think your quilt is looking rather wonderful, I especially like the little back and white "seasoning" you added.

cityquilter grace said...

aaahh, the batiks are gorgeous! can't go wrong with them at all...

jovaliquilts said...

Gorgeous! I never know about fillers until I audition them. Photos when you're to that point? I'm making my daughter curtains from batik fabric and it's such a dream to sew on. (Not fun to hand quilt, I hear...)