Thursday, 2 June 2011

Beautiful Batiks

Well - they've gone!  The  house seems very empty and little Pipette isn't at all sure what's going on.

Despite a fractured ankle, I spent most of yesterday afternoon clearing up the mess that was my sewing room. Once it's all cleaned, fumigated and decluttered I'll post about my latest acquisition.

In the meantime, I finally got to play with my new toy.

Getting ready to sew is a bit of an effort.  The Old One helped bring some of the clutter downstairs and I limped about gathering up cutters, scissors, rulers and fabric. I'm not quite ready to start my Liberated Round Robin block (this one) yet. I'm thinking about slashing it and perhaps adding some burnt orange, or even green, to liberate it a bit.  What do you think?

What I did sew was some more batik cabins.

(that's Cutie Bug underneath)

The other blocks are upstairs on the design wall, but I'm thinking there may be too much orange and green in there.  I'll get them all together and take another look.  It's difficult to visualise them when half is upstairs and half downstairs.

And whilst we're talking batiks

That's The Old One's collection of hornet killers and fly sprays on the mantle piece!

Ok - onwards and upwards.  Let's get that room sorted!

More soon.


YankeeQuilter said...

Good luck with the sorting...I always end up playing in the fabric and get nothing done (but I do enjoy it!)

Tonya Ricucci said...

ugh, organizing. I desperately need to do some of that myself but am having too much fun playing to do work. yeesh. so sad the kittens are gone...

Rosalyn Manesse said...

Lovely fabrics, and hope that you are feeling better.

fabricpixie said...

I love the way your batik log cabin is turning out! Just enough orange to kick it up a notch and make it sparkle and shine.

warm quilt hugs, sue in CA