Monday, 23 May 2011

Oh My!

 I really don't believe it!  Quilting friends really are the bestest.


The little yellow van drew up outside our house again this morning and dropped off yet another USPS envelope.


Look at these!

The photo makes them look a bit wishy washy, but they really are gorgeous.

All the way from Alameda in California.  Isn't Laura just lovely!

She also threw in a packet of these.


Believe it or not, they are called France.  I'm going to plant them in my window boxes as soon as possible as I didn't get any Geraniums this year.  In fact, I might even buy another couple of packets.  Never thought of planting Nasturtiums in window boxes instead of Geraniums.  Perhaps I'll set a trend!

As you can imagine, I haven't been doing much this last week.  In fact, life is incredibly boring and I'm getting thoroughly fed up.

This is really and truly saving my life

Family Trees
and I'm nearly finished.

I reckon I've about about 2 days of sewing left and then I'll start on the next one.

I'm really missing my sewing machine and can't wait for the dratted plaster to come off (5 weeks and counting) before I can sew sew sew.

In the meantime, I'll just have to "Just Keep on Quilting" [smile].

More soon.


Joyce said...

And even better, Nasturtiums are edible! I feel for you being unable to use the sewing machine. I hope you have lots of books on hand...

Pippa Parsons said...

oh god, I didn't think you wouldn't be able to sew, I've got a start/stop button on my Janome and never use the foot pedal anyway :(
The hand quilting looks lovely, do u use a frame ?

Pippa x

sophie said...

GMTA! Like Joyce, I immediately thought to mention that nasturtiums have a great peppery taste and add wonderful color to salads.

Your life-saving quilt is breath-taking!

VivJM said...

Hand quilting is coming on great. Can't imagine all that time without a sewing machine, poor you! Sending healing vibes xx

Rosalyn Manesse said...

Keep up your positive attitude! If you can't use the sewing machine, good time to do some hand quilting or applique. I'm a bit under the weather myself

valerie boudier said...

Have you tried using your other foot on foot pedal have just changed mine because it is more convenient - took a bit of getting used to but is working OK