Saturday, 29 January 2011

What do You Say?

Is it me, or do you find that when you've trawled through so many blogs each morning/afternoon/evening you run out of words?

Do you read what everyone else has said and try to not sound the same?

If you are the first person to leave a comment do you try to be witty?

I'll admit I'm useless.  Gorgeous.  Wonderful.  Love it.  Great work.  Love the colours.

Come on then.  Use this post of mine to be honest!



Joyce said...

Sometimes I feel like just using ".

stitchinpenny said...

I only comment when there is something I would like to add. I know that is not PC, but it saves on a thousand like the colors.

YankeeQuilter said...

I only comment if what I want to say hasn't already been said...rarely can I say it "better."

Paula, the quilter said...

If I'm not in the first several to comment, then usually it has already been said so I am silent. I try to make my comment a bit personal and not to do one of those "me too" comments.

Sara said...

I agree --don't usually respond if my idea has already been expressed. But maybe I should, just to show that more than one person feels that way.

I'm more likely to respond if the poster asks a question.

Karen's Quilts from Cape Town said...

Honesty...although I have typed a comment a few times, I am so in awe of what is written that I haven't actually posted a comment! I am curious to know how many readers, especially those who love the quilt blogs, actually do comment!

To all bloggers, please keep on blogging!

Shelina said...

I think it depends on the topic. If someone asks my opinion on something, like you did, I will usually be able to think of my opinion without sounding the same as the others. Or at least too same. If I am saying "pretty quilt, congratulations on finishing" I think I wind up saying the exact same thing as someone else. I try to avoid my hangups by typing my comments before reading the others. It keeps me from being influenced and saying what someone else said, and if we both said the same thing, that's okay too. The blogger knows there is consensus.

Shelina said...

Okay, I read the other comments. I think it is a good idea to comment even if you are saying the same thing as others. Unless of course, it is over the top. If someone makes a pretty quilt, and 10 people have already said so, I won't make a comment. But if they make a gorgeous quilt, and 10 people have said so, I will add my voice, so they know that they really deserve extra praise. There are times when I went to comment, and there were already 35 comments, and I didn't bother. There is no way everything that needed to be said hasn't been said before.

Clare said...

I totally agree with Shasta's last comment. If it has already been said half a dozen times, why say it again.

However, I do comment if the quilt really grabs me.

Sew Create It - Jane said...

I tend to type what ever pops into my head ...doesn't mean it is quality or quantity, but at least it's some kind of contact and my way of saying...I like what you wrote...

VivJM said...

I'm with Jane on this, I tend to comment with whatever pops into my head...maybe it's just my lack of impulse control lol. But as a blogger, I like to get comments, even if they repeat what previous commenters have said, cos as someone said, it shows there's some sort of consensus. I especially like lots of comments if I have asked a question :-)

Sue Wild said...

I leave comments on a few blogs, usually ones of people that I've got to know through blogging. I do have a "trawling" session of going though a lot of blogs usually when on the Quilting Bloggers site but don't tend to leave comments then.

Usual comments seem to be lovely quilt, gorgeous colours, really lovely (hm, can't think of any more).

joe tulips said...

Gorgeous quilt, love the colors!
oh wait! there is no quilt in this post.
never mind....I better re-read the post.

I always read what others have said. If something is fantastic I will comment, even if it has been said several time already. It also depends on what blog I am at and if I am signed into blogger or not. If I am, I am more likely to now.
(ps...your quilts are fun to look at!)