I was fine until I started using the Quilter's Dream poly batting from Quilter's Quarter for Qs4L. Then I started itching and a red rash appeared on my hands. I didn't think anything about it. After all, I do get eczema so I slapped on the anti itching cream and forgot about it.
I "pinched" some of the Quilter's Dream for the Lucky Day quilt and I can't touch it now without itching. The doctor has given me some strong cream and antihistamine (sp?) pills to see if they'll work.
If they don't then I'm going to have to invest in very fine cotton gloves.
Anyone ever had this problem? If so how did you get round it?
Have I shown this before? I can't remember. This is AB Fab in progress. I've done a bit more since taking this photo. The orange swirl is finished and I've moved over to another black bit. I could have sworn I took a photo but obviously not cos I can't find one!
Oh my goodness! Hope you aren't itching too much. Must be something in the scrim (glue) Hope it heals up soon!!!
Never have seen such a reaction! You poor thing...I hope the meds help you quickly.
That looks like a bad allergy. I have heard of wool allergies but not poly. Hopefully, it clears up soon.
Bless your heart! I break out like that thanks to a penicillin allergy, of all things. I say go ahead and invest in the gloves!
Wow, what a problem Clare. Hope it clears up with the medication.
Ouch!!! I doesn't surprise me that you are having an allergic reaction but I have never heard of one before. Of course all I use for batting is either cotton or wool. There must be a chemical used in the manufacturing of it that you are allergic to. I hope the meds work.
I can't touch unwashed fabric. The skin on my hands and fingers crack and bleed. It's not a good thing when you go on a shop hop. I purchased some cotton medical gloves and wear them when I go to a quilt shop. Good luck.
That looks terrible! I hope your cream works or that the doctors can find you a cure! Wow. With a love for fabric and quilting that would really be a hard allergy to live with. I hope the gloves help.
Oh dear. I didn't know anyone could be allergic to polyester. aiyee. that's horrible. hope you are healthy again in no time.
wow!! that is some rash! doesn't seem fair that you would get it from the thing you love!! hope it heals quickly.
Oh my dear, I have not used that many polyester batting. I always buy the Heirlooms anti-allergic cotton batting because I never know if the receiver of the quilkt is allergic to polyester. My husband is and I hope you will find a solution. Anyway, Anyhow, a, itchfree Merry Christmas to you all!
Oh my - who'dathunk poly would cause allergies? Hope the rash is clearing up and you can find a way around it.
You are right, Clare, I have seen that orange swirl AB fab before on your blog. You must've culled your pictures at one time or other. You are NOT losing your mind - *hehe*. It's beautiful.
Oh no Clare! That rash looks very painful/uncomfortable. I hope by now the antihistamines are kicking in!
I love the pictures you posted of the CHristmas decorations around the streets of Perigeux (bet I didn't spell that right!). Gorgeous.
Enjoy your Christmas Clare :)
Cheers, Lily
My goodness! I hope you get that resolved soon. Happy Holidays!
Hope you a doing better!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!
Oh my that looks like it hurts alot. I've never seen anything like it. I'd stay clear of that stuff in order not to suffer. Hope you're better soon.
Oh dear...I hope that rash clears up quickly.
Merry Christmas!
Hi Clare I hope that your eczema resolves soon! have a great Christmas time!
Wow. Good luck with that rash. Hope it has improved by now. Best wishes for the New Year too!
Ouch! Like others -- I'm betting it's something in the manufacture of the poly that is causing the reaction. I'd say buy the gloves and use cotton from now on! Hope you had a great Christmas and a happy new year!
Oh Clare, I hurt all over just looking at the picture of your poor hands. How very awful! I've never heard ov anyone being allergic to polyester before. Must be some of the chemicals used in making the batting. I've known people who can't use wool batting, but your hands are the worst I've ever seen. I'm so very sorry! I sure hope the cotton gloves do the trick.
Belated Holiday greetings to you and yours!
So sorry about the allergy. I haven't used poly battings, can you wash them before you work with them? That might help if it's a chemical thing. Hope the gloves help in either case.
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