The bottom and the left hand side have now been done. All that is left is the right and then the top.
There could be the slightest chance this will be able to be sent to its owner sometime next week. Just the smallest chance - it's all in the lap of the Gods - and the cats as can be seen below!
Well done Clare! Your BFs are looking good. I see what you mean about our cats having similar colouring/markings. You could be right in thinking there's some Bengal in there :)
Looking very impressive indeed Clare - if I was handquilting it would be at least 10 years before I finished anything!
looking great. kitties always have to help, that's for sure. glad you're getting summer there - we've been having loads of rain here.
This is looking fantastic! Motivates me to get moving on my handquilting.
Good progress. We want more kitty pics!!
Feels good playing with the needle and thread... It's incredibly relaxing after a hard day..
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