Anyway, I hope to rectify the situation. I've temporarily desactivated my Facebook account and am sitting on my hands trying my hardest not to click on the Facebook icon!
So what's new in the Worthy household?
The Old One is still The Old One and up to his usual tricks of selective hearing, pretending he's lost his voice, etc, etc, as all husbands do.
Miss P Black Cat is still with us. I thought we were going to lose her, but I think she was getting fed up with the very wet weather we've been having and sprung back into action when the sun finally started to shine a few weeks ago.
The Young One? Well long long story there! Where do I start?
Last September she went to Bordeaux Uni to read Sociology. Did you know that? Can't remember. Anyway, she realised half way through the course that perhaps it wasn't for her and looked for something else to do this coming academic year.
The upshot is that she is moving to Limoges where she'll read Law and move in with her boyfriend. As I type this she is working very hard at a restaurant in Brantôme, trying to earn enough money to keep her going next year and leaving the boyfriend to do the flat hunting.
So all in all life trundles on Chez Nous. I'm sewing up a storm on my lovely Singer 1425, but unfortunately cannot really show what I'm working on (Big Secret). However, here is a taster to whet your appetite.
I've got the String Bug!
On that note, I'll leave you with some photos I took in Bordeaux when we were there in April. They should be clickable.
A bientôt.