Monday, 18 July 2011

Liberated Round Robin - Round 3 and More

I'm been sewing up a storm here in the land of vin, pain et Boursin.

Weather is dreadful.  Stormy and wet.  However, mustn't complain as we desperately need the rain.

As you know, I've been despairing about this quilt.  I've ripped, sewn and ripped again.  It just wouldn't come together. After my last post I suddenly saw the light and have spent the last 48 hours in the sewing room creating a helluva a mess and having fun. The sewing machines don't think so - more on that in a later post.

So here we are - Liberated Round Robin Round 3 Rectangles.

It's roughly 46" x 46" and is covering up my Haunted Houses quilt.  There are another 2 rounds to go, the next one being published next Friday.  So I wonder how big this will be at the end?

I've been doing a tiny bit of stash building.  I've started fabric shopping on Etsy and found the lovely Julie of Stitchin' Stash. I had a credit card problem and couldn't use PayPal.  The French site doesn't like my UK card.  Anyway, she very kindly let me email her with the card details et voila! A few weeks later these gorgeous fabrics fell into my lap.

I love the skeleton lying on his back

and just love love love this 1950's style fabric by Alexander Henry.

Go and seek Julie out.  She's got some lovely fabrics.  Tell her Clare from France sent you.

While I was fabric shopping I was sussing out rulers at the same time.  I've been after the Easy Angle HST ruler for ages, but with the price of shipping from the US it sort of doubles up the price. Imagine my surprise when this also arrived a few weeks ago.

A gift from my lovely friend Irene.  She's such a sweetie.  Thanks Irene.

This will make you laugh.  The Old One is fascinated by it.  He thinks it will come in useful for woodworking and other "men stuff".  Oh yes?  It's been hidden away!

Then this came through the letter box last week.  Omnigrid 8.5" x 8.5".

My friend Pippa was having a spend up at Hancocks and asked if I wanted anything.  This is perfect for the Q4L blocks.  Exactly the right size!

Such lovely gifts and so useful.  Thank you both so very much.

To round off this rather long post.

She's turning in a beautiful and very affectionate cat.

I'm off into Périgueux to "faire les courses".  However, before I go can I ask one small favour of you?

A dear dear quilting friend has just lost her lovely husband.  Very unexpected.  Please keep the lovely Joyce and her family in your prayers and thoughts right now.

More soon.


Anonymous said...

In spite of your un-sewing and so forth, the quilt is coming together and looking great. I love all your goodies.

Tonya Ricucci said...

whee, love all those Halloween fabrics - I have a few of those myself! the easy angle really is marvelous. glad the kitty girl is sweet and happy (and not yelling all the time now).

Wendy said...

I love my easy angle! You will, too!

Browndirtcottage said...

Lots of 'good stuff' you have there Clare!! Quilt top, kitties, fabric, new rulers....what else could you want?? Oh YES...and you have RAIN!!! We still haven't had any yet. Big poofy clouds in the sky everyday but still no rain for us!!