Thursday, 14 July 2011

Happy Quatorze Juillet

Copyright here
To celebrate Bastille Day, we're starting off with a BANG

A HUGE firework display, which will be a riot of every shade of BLUE you can think of.


(Massive drum roll)


(photos are clickable)

Blueberry Fool is finished and I'm loving it!

Phew - I'm exhausted.

Sssssssh let's quieten down a bit.

Have you heard of Google +?  It's the new social networking site.  A lot more secure than FB.  If you are interested in seeing what it looks like, leave a comment and I'll send you an invitation to join.

Whilst we're on the subject of wasting the day away, have you found Pinterest yet? Great fun!  You'll find the link to my page by scrolling down and clicking on the Pinterest logo somewhere down there on the right hand side.

More soon.


Anonymous said...

Clare, I might be interested in Google + as I'm going off FB. I'll check it out if you send me an invite, then decide if I want to join. Thanks for the info.

VivJM said...

I think I may have already mentioned that I love this quilt :-) Willing to give Google + a go...

jovaliquilts said...

Love Blueberry Fool! Really looks great! :)

Rosalyn Manesse said...

Blueberry fool--a masterpiece!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Absolutely love how you photographed this wonderful (!!) quilt!

Congrats on the finish.

Hedgehog said...


Tonya Ricucci said...

woohoo, fab! congrats! I'm passing on the Google + for now. Just feels like, aaagh, one more thing. but yes, total love for the Pinterest.