We have to select a quilt from the Brown's Amish Quilt Collection, liberate the design in solids and throw some letters or numbers in for good measure. Right up my street! Easy Peasey Lemon Squeezy. Not!
I couldn't make my mind up and none of the quilts in the Brown Collection spoke to me. So I flicked through LQI and LQII for inspiration and decided on the star quilt on the opposite page to Gwenny's Variable Stars in LQI. I think the quilt is called Matthew's Stars, but can't remember.
Wasn't really happy with that either so I got The Old One and The Young One to cast their votes.
The winner is Quilt No 60. The Young One wants it either on her bed or on her wall so that is that.
Next task is to start pulling the fabrics, but I've got to clear the decks first.
that is a great quilt! can't wait to see what you do with it!
I'll have to check that one out...no fair you have your daughter keeping you in line so that you will finish!
I guess if I don't pick one soon I never will finish....duhhh
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