Wednesday, 28 March 2007

WiP Wednesday

Same as last week I suppose, but I am on the home stretch. One more row to tie and then bind and label. I have to confess that now the good weather is here I would prefer to be gardening than quilting, but we do have yukky April to get through yet. However, one thing I am doing is going through my RSS feeds. I have an awful habit of just clicking on the link and looking at the last entry on a blog. If it looks interesting I will investigate further, if it doesn't I don't. So I was missing out on a whole load of interesting stuff. What I am doing is altering the name of the blog, so instead of the feed saying, for instance, Dordogne Quilter, it will now say Clare's blog.


Lily Mulholland said...

Yes it's so hard to keep up! And happy blog b'day :)

Fiona said...

I do that on bloglines - an actual name seems to make it more personal.

Patti said...

If a blog looks interesting I subscribe for a little while. I label all the names so I know whose blog each one is. I need a name to put with things. I'd rather have a face but when that's not possible a name will do. If I read the blog for a few days and it doesn't hold my interest then I delete it. My problem is that there are WAY too many that hold my interest! What's a girl to do? I've eliminated most all the people who do only art quilts and there are still way too many to keep up with!

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Can see your problem, I just have my favourites on my links and do a quick visit to all of them. Works for me.Tracey