Got the chores done, caught up on mails, what the Liberated Quilters across The Pond worked on while I was making ZZZzzzzzzzz's and then hit the ground running!
First task of the day was to get Blueberry Fool off the design wall.
The top border was fine - fairly sped along with that - and then hit the slow lane big time. I just couldn't get the right hand border to go . The colours wouldn't settle and kept on glaring at me, no matter where I stood.
So I finally settled for this.
Still not happy with it and the outer borders are going to need cutting down AGAIN (sigh). Also forgot to add the other "blade" in the bottom right hand corner. Suddenly remembered at 10.00 pm last night, by which time it was too late!
Then started on another AAQI top.
All my tops are being made from scraps out of the bins and this one came from a lovely heart batik Tonya gave me for the Quilts 4 Leukaemia quilts.
I'm not at all sure about this. I think it may be a bit too scrappy. What do you think?
It is exactly 9 x 12 so I hope that by the time I've bound it, it isn't over-size.
I'm going to give things a rest for a bit. A quick walk round the block to clear my head and stretch the legs (and shoulders) and then a spot of basting and hand quilting I think.
BLueberry! fabulous! Don't mind the borders not being the same! wonky is good! it's just so happy!
You described you HEART process to a T!
I can feel the lOVE! ;-)
Blueberry Fool is looking great! Don't you hate it when you come to and realize you've forgotten to add something you meant to add? Fortunately, with scrappy, it's never too late!
And I love, love, love "Love"...
Blueberry Fool is such a happy, cheerful quilt. I love it! When I leave something out that I wanted to use, I figure that it probably didn't want to be there anyway! It'll find a home in a future quilt, is how I look at it.
I just finished a quilt with one of the blocks sewed in wrong. I didn't notice it til I was machine quilting it, at which point it was too late to worry over. Wonky rules!
The LOVE quilt is adorable. I need to get busy and do another AAQI quilt, too!
The love quilt is a very happy, young love- full of energy!
Your blue quilt looks fantastic! Lots of good things happening in your sewing room!
I like the Love top, I don't think it is too scrappy.
Your Blueberry quilt is great! I love it! Well done!
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